Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Double Journal Entry #1

Inclusive Education
Inclusion means to include all. Inclusive education is unifying educational programs and services and encouraging every child to learn and achieve. It allows for all students to come together and learn as one. Inclusive education is meant to benefit all students, but especially those who have a disability, are bilingual, or come from diverse backgrounds.
Inclusive Education is meant to serve students who have diverse backgrounds and who are bilingual, as well as students with learning and physical disabilities. Students who come from low income families can also benefit from this type of education. One characteristic of iinclusive schools is that they bring the services to the students by providing any services needed for special needs students within the classroom. Inclusive schools also have a great sense of community. Each child is looked at as an individual and a part of the school community. All students feel as if they belong. Students are the most important part of the community in an inclusive school and they take on new responsibilities as members of this community. In an inclusive setting, students can take on things such as; peer mediators or tutors. Students also learn to work in collaborative groups or buddy systems.

            I choose to include this youTube video relating to inclusive practices. This video inspired me to want to be apart of inclusion in the classroom. It tells a great story of a child with down syndrome who is in an inclusive classroom setting with all his other classmates. The child is very successful! The video also provides interviews with teachers, telling about the strategies and services used to allow the student to learn and achieve.

Inos, R., & Quigley, M. (n.d.). Research review for inclusive practices. Retrieved from

Inclusion at work in elementary school [Web]. (2008). Retrieved from

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